Sometimes life reminds you of the importance of the simple things - the things a friend can do to make you feel less alone, less vulnerable, less sad. A hand on your shoulder, a squeeze of your hand, a kick in the ass.
Scientists attempt to explain why touch makes us feel "better" - release of oxytocin, reduction of cortisol, changes in levels of various immune cells. But the simple truth is sometimes the touch of another person is all that stands between us and despair.
Physical contact connects us in a unique way. A mother as she holds her newborn baby the first time, a daddy as he wipes away his child's tears, new lovers locked in an embrace and old lovers who hold hands late into the night. Touch without words, speaking volumes to the heart, giving life to the spirit. Reminding us that we are not alone.
Hold Me
Hold me
Just for now
Let me rest my head on your chest
Let me hear your heart beating
Let me feel your breath on my skin
Let me know I'm safe and protected
In your arms
Just for now
Hold me
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